Thursday, July 16, 2009

UNO announces the launch of six new Hispanic packaging designs for GAMESA

MINNEAPOLIS, /PRNewswire/ -- UNO Latino Branding, an industry-leading Hispanic Latino packaging and promotions agency based in Minneapolis, MN, announced today that a newly redesigned line of children's cookies has hit store shelves across the United States. UNO was granted the opportunity to develop the new branding and packaging design for six popular GAMESA brand cookies (NYSE: PEP - News). GAMESA is the largest cookie manufacturer in Mexico and subsidiary of Frito-Lay North America.

Prior to undertaking the package rebranding and redesign, UNO Latino Branding partnered with GAMESA® to understand market challenges and expectations of GAMESA's core Mexican and Mexican-American consumers. Interestingly enough, the one driving factor in initiating the study was despite carrying a dominant market share in Mexico, GAMESA's core consumers tend to adopt other cookie brands when relocating to the United States as they become more acculturated.

    A few key learnings that resulted from the field studies GAMESA and UNO Latino Branding undertook were that Mexican and Mexican-American consumers have a higher expectation of package design as they become more assimilated into the U.S. culture. Principal and Creative Director, Luis Fitch, at UNO Latino Branding states, "the core consumer still considers GAMESA cookies a high quality buy at a value-price and can easily find them from local neighborhood shops to general market grocery stores, however, the package design lacks in terms of what the consumer has learned to expect on grocery shelves next to other cookie brands." Armed with this insightful knowledge of consumer's expectations, UNO's goal was to redesign the entire line to increase appetite appeal and competitive value amongst other brands.

    The children's line of GAMESA cookies has 6 core brands: Animalitos, Arcoiris, Arcoiris Naranja-Limon, Chokis, Lonchera, and Mamut. Each brand was introduced into the marketplace during different decades; therefore the package design reflected the sensibilities of the times of their launch. The product packaging lacked consistency in their character illustration, uses of appetite appeal and lacked unique ties of each cookie package to the Core Parent Brand: GAMESA.

    UNO's objective and eventual solution was to unify the branding and packaging to give each of the six packages a sense of belonging to the same brand platform. Luis Fitch (UNO's Principal and Creative Director) and team established several branding rules and developed an enriching toolbox for these six brands and other GAMESA brand cookies to follow.

    In conjunction with new branding rules, UNO Latino Branding was careful to keep many iconic elements that had immense brand equity. Maintaining the color palette for the redesign was extremely important to both UNO Latino Branding and GAMESA. However, UNO Latino Branding did introduce a blue wave to the package design intended to create a universal branding template on store shelves for the cookies. Additionally, the GAMESA logo, seen both as a G and a heart was incorporated into the package background in a very subtle way further branding the design.

    UNO Latino Branding also took a fresh approach to each of the existing character illustrations. The same artist re-illustrated the characters and identified iconic key details that offered a more modern appeal. The fresh approach allowed the characters to be more engaged with the product and an opportunity to cross-promote with other products such as "milk and cookies" to come to life with the characters. Furthermore, UNO Latino Branding introduced a series of new characters proposing potential iconic status for brands that did not have an existing character.

    Finally, in an attempt to reintroduce the GAMESA brand to consumers who have parted ways with the brand, UNO Latino Branding designed and incorporated important elements to side panels reinforcing the history, promise of tradition and strength of the brand. As well as, the back panel was redesigned to introduce the illustrated characters and give the consumers an interactive game forum. The consumer is reminded of the emotional ties held by the brand as well as a way for the consumer to interact and connect with the brand, focusing on a powerful combination to re-establish loyalty.

    The newly redesigned packages now have a fresh, modern appetite appeal that has a unifying branding architecture to the same brand platform and stands out on the grocery store shelves. The new packages can be found in grocery stores across the United States.

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